Hello my loves! How about some groomy military jacket outfit vibes? This look is perfect for an easy casual day as well as for a rocky night out 😉
By the way, HERE you can check out some vintage military jackets. Vintage is trending anyway, because it is a good thing to not consume and waste fashion, like we all did so far, but instead wearing clothes over and over again.
Because if it is old for you, it can be gold for someone else!
Highwaisted / torn / loose

Easy to wear, cozy to have, a must to shop. Those trousers are your perfect companion during a looooong day. They fit loose, which is nice for your feet and venes. And in the same way, they look cool.

Ruffled croptop w/ military jeans jacket
I styled the trousers with a pretty cool military-inspired jeans jacket, which also has a very loose fit and is oversized. Additionally, to pimp the look with some feminine details, I put on a ruffled croppie 😉

Hope you have a lovely November so far, I definitely have, although I am missing summer (I always somehow will, except on Christmas Day 😀 ).
All my love, KEEP SHINING, bright like the sun!
HERE is another cool outfit with torn jeans!
