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The prudish style is a thing at the moment and due to this, the upcoming season collars are the accessories you should definitely owe. But I admit, collars aren’t something, everyone is happy about, because
the trend defines a certain type of woman:
prudish, good, inhibited,
totally not the free & roaring type of woman.
More the silent sufferer, I’d say. Well, I am not one of those women. Still I am keen on uniting trends, which are quite contrasty.
So I united the high-neck trend including collars
with the transparency and protest wear trend!
Prudish with a spice of offensive
Therefore I combined a turtleneck sweater with ruffled collar in black with a transparent top with a quite offensive offer printed on it. #transparent
“Go play the wild game”
is a statement and tells the world,
that you aren’t afraid to
leave the good side
for living the wild life.
That you are ready to think and to be controversial,
to exit the should and
enter your own path of living.
A totally free and feministic statement indeed!
So the whole look shows in the one hand a high-necked, good-girl style, but in the other hand an offensive and controversial rebellious woman. #ftw

The transparent trend
Transparency is trending and a parallel reaction to the prudish collar and high-neck trend.
You can so either show nothing, because “Women don’t have to show anything, if they don’t want to”
you go for transparency and show everything, because “Women are free to show everything, if they want to.” It is up to us, girls! (HERE is another post about strong women.)
For this look and to present the two trends in one, I chose a mix and I like it.
If we can either wear high-neck or transparency, we can also wear both in one outfit, because
we are free to wear, whatever we want and however we want it.

So feel free to wear, what you love,
no matter, if it is a lot or barely nothing!
xx Sara
PS: Check out my Instagram 😉